The Scientific Method
Observation, Inference, & Measurement
"Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science."
- Edwin Hubble (1889 - 1953)
- Edwin Hubble (1889 - 1953)

Observations are defined as information gained using the senses. They are generally described using quantitative (numbers) and qualitative (colors, shapes, etc.) terms.
Observations in science need to be reproducible in order for the process to grow into theory. This requires that observations made by different observers be comparable.
An interpretation based on observation.
The idea of measurement evolved to allow recording and comparison of observations made at different times and places by different people.
Measurement consists of using a known standard. This allows people everywhere to duplicate the standard units to objects.
Scientific Instruments: Human senses are limited and are subject to errors, so scientific instruments were developed to improve human powers of observation.
Rulers, graduated cylinders, telescopes, microscopes, thermometers & many others that we will use and discuss this year.
Interactive Measurement:
Use the interactive measurement simulator below to practice making accurate measurements with various scales.
Rounding Interactive:
Scientific Notation Interactive:
Electromagnetic Energy, Heat, and Temperature
Density Interactive
Below is the "Scale of the Universe" Interactive
Activate the file by clicking the START icon, then click and drag the slidebar to explore the universe from the infinitesimally small to the galactically large.
The measurements you will find within this file will make you appreciate the truth about
the numbers used in the mathematics of physics within the universe!!!
Activate the file by clicking the START icon, then click and drag the slidebar to explore the universe from the infinitesimally small to the galactically large.
The measurements you will find within this file will make you appreciate the truth about
the numbers used in the mathematics of physics within the universe!!!